Long before the theory of the 'land bridge from Asia to Norht America across the Bering Strait', Navajo elders told their own story about their own origin. The Navajo (DINE') creation is the story of their origin through a series of emergences through a series of different colored worlds.Accounts vary as to the exact number and colors of the worlds, for example, black, then blue, then yellow, then glittering, all of which lead up to their final emergence in the present world.The traditional Navajo lifestyle is characterized by:
Home.........Hogan (8 sided log home with mud chinking & roof)
Food...........Mutton stew and fry bread
Religion.....Traditional Medicine man and various ceremonies
Clothing.....Turquoise and silver jewlry for men and women Velveteen shirt, white pants, & mocasins for men Gingham dress and mocasins for women
Clans..........Originally 4, now over 75 distinct clans exist
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14 years ago