The picture of the day is the Snake bracelet my better half refuses to be without. He has often told me his mother would never have approved of such a thing. Apparently the Navajos do not care for snakes and therefore do not like jewelry made in the form of them. Who would have guessed this to be...:) When I thought about it, I had to find out exactly why Navajos hate snakes. Here is what I learned: The poisonous snake on Navajo land were a real threat to Navajos and their livestock. The snake is also a symbol of the lightning people and brings rain to the dry land. While the only significant venomous snakes present are the rattlesnakes, all snakes are avoided. Snakes are seen in Navajo sandpaintings and other artworks. If you go here,
http://www.navajocentral.org/navajotaboos/taboos_nature.html you will find all kinds of far-out superstitions. No wonder Ron didn't obey the rules. :)
This particular bracelet came to be when a lady called and wanted a snake on a leather strap for her son. Ron hadn't worked with leather nor snakes at that point. He decided to give it a shot. He liked it so much he decided it was something he might wear himself. That was several years ago. Since then he has had to repair the leather more than once from wear and tear. He plays pool as a hobby and rarely does he leave the house without this "Lucky Snake" bracelet. I know one of the reasons he considers it a lucky bracelet. He calls it the Intimidator. HEHE. I know he's kidding but it's funny all the same. Frankly, I think he likes the way it looks on his arm when he's holding the pool cue. I've known him to drive 3 miles back to his casa to get this slithering good luck charm.